Over 150 journalists were on hand at the press conference to announce the next MADE expo show, which is scheduled to take place at the Milan Fairgrounds Rho from 18 to 21 March 2015.

In attendance at the press conference were the Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Carlo Calenda, the Chairman of the General Confederation of Italian Industry (Confindustria), Giorgio Squinzi, the Chairman of Assimpredil Ance (an association that represents construction companies in and around Milan), Claudio De Albertis, and the Italian Government’s Commissioner for Expo 2015, Giuseppe Sala.

Following the success of the 2013 edition (which attracted over 211,000 visitors, including 36,000 from countries other than Italy, up 14% compared to 2012), MADE expo is still looking towards innovation as a driver of its success, along with its biennial schedule, specialization and international reach.

A trade fair that is instrumental in implementing Italy’s industrial policy and boosting growth.
“MADE expo is one of the events in which we intend to invest additional resources”, announced Carlo Calenda.“Our ministry is striving to encourage greater interaction between Italian enterprises and foreign investors, and in this respect MADE expo represents a primary dialogue partner because it combines a supply chain approach with an internationally high-profile event.

With the “Building the Expo” exhibit, MADE expo will also be providing a preview of Expo2015: trade show visitors will have a unique opportunity to see the pavilions, technologies and materials used in the universal exposition expected to bring over 30 million visitors to Milan. “This is a major thrust, since 96% of the companies working for Expo are Italian,” said Giuseppe Sala.

MADE expo includes four specialized exhibitions: Construction and materials, Building envelope and windows, Interiors and finishings and Software, technologies and services.

“Mapei is one of the founders of MADE expo and we will continue strenuously supporting the event’s ability to attract foreign investors,” added Giorgio Squinzi.

The Chairman of FederlegnoArredo, Roberto Snaidero, emphasized MADE expo’s growing international reach, as epitomized by its participation in the Saloni World Wide Moscow furniture show taking place in Moscow from 15 to 18 October 2014.

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