Now available the innovative and elegant bathroom sink with Horizontal Integrated Siphon patented system…all the design you desire in only 7 cm depth!

Logic is the essece of Axolute's philosophy.

The future is upon us: the new design Axolute advancing relentlessly.
What is to come is bound to leave an imprint marked in the world of communication for the bathroom.
Italian design researched, well-groomed and attractive, a combination of elegance and minimal hitech, a world with bold lines, regular who made bathroom furniture of the highest level his daily life.
Axolute, with the introduction of Horizontal Integrated Siphon (Horizontal Integrated Syphon – HIS ® international patent), has shattered the traditional design of bathroom furnishings bringing a breath of fresh air in terms of sizes, fittings and especially visual.
The horizontal siphon allowed, in fact, completely abolishing the ugly traditional siphon and play with the creation of high-quality components, with reduced thickness and futuristic shapes.
But AXOLUTE want to be much more than that.
Inserting new natural building materials, expansion of productive efforts towards furnishing wishing to get out of the bathroom and dress up again in their entire homes, corporate communications made ​​in the image and likeness of the productive genius that distinguished Axolute since his birth, giving special attention to reflect the taste and requirements of all customers becoming a real hallmark.
Stay tuned.

For more info visit the website

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