Since we moved renovationtoday the Beyond Building Construmat Barcelona, ​​renewed International Building Exhibition Fira de Barcelona to learn at what point is this contest and collect the bets more interesting of different firms, which we will go shelling
Through these and subsequent pages. First of all, it is important note that this new concept Hall has closed its 19th edition showing vectors are ones that.


They will shape the future of construction XXI century: innovation, design, sustainability and rehabilitation, and consolidating as platform International and business support sector. The contest received a total of 54 326 visitors, of which 12,000 were public, This represents an increase 15% over last year 2013.


The contest has served to note the start of the recovery in the Spanish economic construction, that begins to glimpse the end of the deep recession in the which has been mired in the past seven years. In this regard, President the event, Josep Miarnau, He expressed his “satisfaction that Both the lounge and the sector. They seem to be entering a phase recovery after years certainly difficult”. Has Miarnau expressed “appreciation to exhibitors and visitors who have participated and found in this new edition of the event an opportunity for business and a guide to get back on pulse After hard and long years of crisis”.
Thus, the International Construction of Fira Barcelona has vertebrate your offer about axes which are the will mark the tendency to follow the sector in the coming years.
In here, conference areas and on digital technology in construction They have been among the most visited and they have emerged as one of the most essential elements for the future. 3D printers, Internet of Things, robots or drones. They have been protagonists of the event.



Other bets lounge and design or rehabilitation have raised also great interest not only among professionals but also I among the general public that has been access to the living room the last two days.
In this edition, the show has also made a special effort to be a platform for international business.
In this regard, the Forum National and international contract has It has been the place where you have presen State initiatives totaling 217 (145 72 national and international projects) looking for suppliers and partners among the 300 exhibitors
They have participated in this year Construmat.




At the Forum, they have been carried out more than 327 business meetings while in the Job Market Place, organized by Barcelona Activa, is twelve conversations celebrated work, Brokerage Event in d’Acció is 284 established contacts and the international advisory area PIMEC and funding they have 24 applications from companies attended. Therefore, it should be noted that in this BBB-edition have registered a total of 710 matches networking.

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