A key event for the industry

The BigMat Group International Conference was hosted in Dublin, with the theme “Listening to Our Environment, the Key to Developing Our Business”.

The key points discussed at this Irish conference include meeting client requirements, appropriately interacting with clients, focus on and awareness of the market and the competition and, finally, strategically integrating digital tools at points-of-sale.

From 15 to 19 October 2014, the members of the BigMat Group and professionals from the construction materials distribution sector shared their experience through workshops and presentations organised by Jean-Jacques Gressier and Thierry Spencer, of Académie du Service.

The highlights included a study of BigMat members’ clients on a European scale, enabling them to focus on their priorities and their implementation in the differentBigMat country markets.

In the presentation entitled “What can we learn from our competitors?”, Jean-Jacques Gressier developed ten best practices regarding competition. They include tips to encourage members to better showcase their points-of-sale.

Thierry Spencer’s speech on “What can we learn from other businesses?” focused on the importance of strong concepts at large brands’ points-of-sale in marketing terms; this focus is part of the Group’s DNA.

Presentations by specialists, particularly Google representative Emmanuel Dollé, on “Comparing, preparing online purchases and visits”, were closely followed by participants in view of their importance. There were multiple opinions on the digital world and the practically inevitable use of Internet tools; the ensuing debate was open and interactive.

A country-by-country focus clearly identified the group’s ongoing strategic development.

Dublin was a great opportunity for everyone to speak their mind and make their own contributions, particularly during two round tables entitled:

  • “Our differences and our strengths for promoting client relationships”
  • “In view of these trends and studies, what are the stakes for BigMat?”

Regarding the Brand’s development, one important moment was the welcoming of Slovakia to the group and its presentation to the assembly.

The conference ended with the presentation and launch of the second edition of the BigMat International Architecture Award 2015. The Awards will be presented at our next gathering in November 2015 in Berlin.



Finally, Claude Coutant, President of BigMat International, reminded us that the conference is important for the federation and union of the group, and stressed that: “We are convinced that we must make timely moves in the right direction in order to remain competitive. We must also be curious, be interested in our clients, our suppliers, our competitors, our collaborators, so that we may be the best. And, finally, always remember that we do not only sell materials, what we sell are solutions!”

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