Thyssenkrupp has begun the installation of the peculiar front of glass PTFE, politetrafluoroetileno, in his tower of tests that one finds in Rottweil, Germany, destined to test the innovations worldwide of his elevators. It is foreseen that the project is the highest of the world of this class.
For the installation of this membrane, it is needed of specialized technical personnel to realize the assembly to a height 246 meters. An installation of height that he carries that the whole equipment faces singular challenges. By means of two mobile platforms, the specialists measure the exterior and join the space-bars and pipes to mount the membrane. Of separated form, the front will be assembled in three parts and will establish itself of it arrives down. Due to the gradual gradation of the membrane, the tower will seem to be almost opaque in the part of below and will be estimated of almost transparent form in the part of above, where the fabric of mesh is thicker.
17000 METERS
The membrane, of 17.000 square meters, is done of glass PTFE (politetrafluoroetileno), a complex woven of fiber of glass covered with polymer that grants long duration, allows the auto-cleaned one and contributes to the tower his distinctive aspect. In addition, also it protects her from the intense solar radiation and reduces the movement of the building, attacking the force of the wind. The fabric takes place in strips of three meters that later will knit to bigger sections of membrane, being the first time that applies this material to itself hereby.
For the equipment of planning one has possessed 29 members of Taiyo Europa, person in charge of the manufacture and assembly of the membrane. According to Hubert Reiter, the executive director of Taiyo Europe: ” The phase of planning, as well as the set they mean new challenges for us, since the requirements and specifications are totally only. We from Taiyo Europa are very proud to take part in a project as special as this one “.
There is programmed that the operations of test in the tower begin in December, 2016 and that in May, 2017, opens the tower the visitors. ” For thyssenkrupp Elevator, the tower of tests in Rottweil will play a key paper in the implementation of our global strategy of innovation, which is crucial for the success of the company “, Andreas Schierenbeck says, CEO of thyssenkrupp Elevator. ” Together with our plant of elevators in Neuhaussen, and as part of the world network of research and development, the tower supposes an important center of innovation for the technology of elevators in Germany. Here, they will be explored, will develop and prove innovative solutions for the mobility of the future, in order which the cities are the best place to live “, Schierenbeck comments.
Thyssenkrupp began the construction of the tower of Rottweil’s tests in 2014 together with the general Züblin contractor. Between the technologies that will be tested there is the elevator MULTI, with three of twelve axes of the tower saved for this new system. Thanks to the technology of magnetic levitation of the Transrapid, MULTI offers a series of advantages: the free design of cables allows to several cabins to operate in an alone axis, increasing the passengers’ capacity up to in 50 per cent and, at the same time, reducing the fingerprint of the elevator in the building to the half. In addition, the elevators will be able to move without constraint, so much horizontally as vertically, making new applications and architectural possibilities possible without precedents.