The past week VMZINC® celebrated the award ceremony of the seventh edition of the Archizinc Trophy. An event that took place in the Chatelet Theatre in the city of Paris and which awards the best 12 international construction works made with VMZINC.

This edition of the biannual competition has had 152 works of 18 different countries, architectects that have demonstrated its enthusiasm for it. So, this has demonstrated its capacity to join a big range of cultures, kinds of buildings and architectural styles with the same natural, noble and recyclable material.

About the winner projects, it should be highlighted that the outstanding projects for its architectural style, the way they has innovated with the use of VMZINC, its functionality and its environmental approach. This are awards that have 4 categories and that include 3 special awards:




Single-family Home Category

Casa Golf Fuenterrabía, Guipúzcoa (first prize)

Architecture firm: Rehabite

Public Building Category

Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias, Oviedo (first prize)

Architecture firm: Mangado y Asociados

Public Building Category

Centro Cultural Daoíz y Velarde, Madrid (Mention)

Architecture firm: Rafael de la Hoz Arquitectos

Public Building Category

Taller Artesanal Armenteíra, Pontevedra (Mention)

Architecture firm: Rodriguez + Pintos Arquitecto

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